Tuesday, July 20, 2010

That's my girl!

I don't care how old you are, it's important to be an informed citizen of the world.

Friday, July 16, 2010

My Little Gardener

Our photo shoot/gardening lesson ended when she started eating dirt. They may not look like much, but those are the most expensive tomatoes ever.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


This kid has got some good hair!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


So Evelyn is allergic to soy. Eating it makes her violently, even spectacularly ill. Think Linda Blair in The Exorcist, but with more chunks of egg yolk and bits of green beans.

This didn't really catch us by surprise. The last time that she had tofu, she barfed everywhere, but it had been hours since she'd eaten, and who knows? She could have had a bad piece of watermelon, eaten grass at the park, or had a bug. To paraphrase Shakespeare, one data point doth not an allergy make. No, I had to be sure before relegating her to an existence devoid of tofu, soy meatballs, tofu pups, and soy milk. And by sure I mean: I had to be soaked from head to toe with baby vomit at least twice to be convinced that it was tofu that was causing the reaction.

My little trooper never cried during the whole projectile vomiting thing, but she did give me a look that said, "Mother, honestly, clean yourself up. What is this, Skid Row?" (She can be kind of tough on me.) In a coincidence that makes me wonder what kind of serial killer I was in a past life to deserve this, we had also run out of baby shampoo that day, so I had to wash her without the benefit of soap. Not ideal when your kid is caked in puke.

I now have a new appreciation of parents who have children with multiple allergies. In addition to the obvious pain in the neck of not being able to eat normal stuff like wheat or milk, these parents have probably been vomited on more times than they can count. Blessed are they that clean up puke, to paraphrase the Bible.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I seem to be fundamentally unable to leave Target without buying something extra--a sweet little top, a new toy to work Evelyn's latest developmental milestone, a freaking RUG. I am absolutely my parents' child, a thrifty New Englander to the core. And yet. A rug? A rug should never be an impulse buy. I blame Target and their dastardly ability to toe the line between price and style. I also blame my daughter and her dastardly ability to be the cutest baby in history. Some blame also goes to our consumerist society, which has slowly but surely convinced all but the very best of us (and them too, a bit) that buying things for our children equals love. Luckily, this leaves very little blame left for me!