Thursday, March 4, 2010


At Baby Boot Camp today, Evelyn got a bit peckish, and needed to stop for a snack. Being a handy-dandy snack dispenser, I just sat down on the curb next to the other moms who were exercising, and took a break to nurse her. We were right next to the playground, so the few people who were walking by were other mothers with strollers, or the occasional jogger. No biggie, I'm not easily embarrassed, and I've nursed her while out a few times before. No biggie until TWO fire trucks pulled up, and parked about 20 feet away from where I was feeding my little monkey. Men from the fire department piled out of the engines, and started milling around the parking lot where we were having our exercise class. I guess they were having some sort of kids' event. In any event, I believe introductions are in order.

San Jose Fire Department, I'd like you to meet my bare bosom. Bosom, Fire Department. Charmed, I'm sure.

And that's the story of how Elena finally decided to get a nursing bib.

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